InnerCity Church of Christ
"Saving Souls With A Servant's Heart "
The Inner City Church of Christ is building a warm, loving family of believers who love God, respect His word and submit to Jesus Christ as Lord. Honoring God and serving the needs of the community are our two primary goals. We invite your family to visit with our family as we together become the family of God. There is plenty of room for you at the cross.
Our Church Family is a blending of Christians, young and old both newcomers and natives of the Baltimore City community. Believing God has called us together to praise Him, we joyfully come together for Worship and Bible study.
Our commitment is to live like Jesus would live. That leads us to a devoted study of the Bible as God’s Word. From our youngest child to our oldest grandparent, Bible study classes are specifically designed to help each one better understand God’s promises and directions.
We believe the closer we conform to God’s will, the greater will be our personal happiness and joy. That’s an experience that can be yours also. We have a class that’s just your size.
Bro Eric Lorick, Senior Minister